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Friday, November 8, 2013


When producing a magazine, you need to do a reconnaissance of possible locations for taking photographs for your magazine.

When looking at locations, I knew that because of the genres I am using and then taking inspiration from my mood board that the photos for inside the music magazine would need to be in a place surrounded by trees. This gives a folky, rustic feel to the photograph and would help portray my genres very well.
The next few photos are screen shots from google maps. All these locations are within good walking distance and therefore are perfect locations for taking the photographs. But, because all of these places are outside, weather will determine if I can take photos on a certain day. Weather might also damage the scene, such as making the path muddy or during Autumn and Winter, leaves falling off. This will change the way the photograph is to be taken as if the terrain becomes too effected by the weather, the location will have to be moved or postponed.

This area is within an estate of houses but the path is highly dense with trees and woodland plants. This would work very well if I wanted to take an image of my artist leaning up against a tree. It would also create an excellent effect on a photo if I manage to get the light to shine through the leaves.

These two areas work well because of the long path that extends out of the line of vision. This site would be good if I needed a dramatic photograph of my chosen artist.

Risk Assessment 

The areas are heavily dense with trees and leaves and now that it's Autumn, the weather can be very unpredictable. The weather can make the leaves slippery and the ground unstable. The trees, although unlikely, can have their branches snapped off by high force winds. The extremes of the temperature can sometimes be unpredictable, with rain, sleet and when getting nearer to December - snow. The equipment must also be used properly otherwise it could become damaged, so a tripod or a strap for the camera being used should be attached.

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