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Friday, October 25, 2013

Double Page Spread Prototype

Before create a double page spread I went to go and look for the conventions of a musical double page spread. Many magazines had similarities between them. These include:

A Main Image - This catches the eye of the reader and makes them want to read about the chosen artist.

A Main Article - This is what fills the magazine. This piece of text will contain music related words depending on the genre of the music.

A Colour Scheme - This keeps everything together, making sure the magazine flows.

A Drop Cap - This is a larger letter at the beginning of a new paragraph. Drop caps have been used for thousands of years, going back to w
hen they were illustrated for manuscripts.

Columns of Writing - Writing is usually put in two or more columns to make it appear as if there is less writing than there actually is. This then makes the article seem less overwhelming with information.

Next I tried to create a music magazine double page, as highlighted on the front cover. Firstly I sketched out the boundaries on a piece of paper to give myself a rough idea of what I wanted to create. This magazine layout is mainly based around the music magazine Q. Q is a very stylised music magazine, which had a very slick look about it. All colours are the same each time and always keeps to a scheme of text and layout on, not just the front cover, but within the magazine with the articles also.

Using the rough sketch I created, I then went about finding an ideal image for my double page. I discovered this image on google and decided to take it on for my music magazine double page prototype. The photo was ideal as it was large so the image didn't become fuzzy and gave a clear image of Passenger himself. What I also like about this image is that he isn't looking at the camera. I will take this key idea on when I create my final magazine. 

Then, using pixlr, I cut this image down to size so it would only fit on half of the double page. This method is used within Q magazine.

I made the image black and white as it ties in with the front cover, also many of the images in Q magazine have a one or two colour scheme. I also believe it keeps the image tidy and doesn't clog the magazine with lots of different colours.
I also cropped the image the way I did to try and keep it in the rule of thirds grid, this makes the image aesthetically pleasing for the reader/buyer, and my target audience.

I then used pixlr online add this image onto a plain white background. Then, by taking inspiration from Q magazine, i place the image and added a title to the other side. I copied Q's magazine layout to give it a more professional look. This will now be the base design for my double page spread.

The title has been put on the left hand so when people flick through the magazine, they will spot the name and will be intrigued, therefore reading the article.

After consulting with a few members of my target audience, they disliked the fact that the photo was so plain. I asked how I could improve the photo and Jade replied with 'You can make this image more interesting by adding a quote or some writing, prefferably with colour'. I took this new given information and decided to add an inspirational quoat that wasn't in the text on the right. I also added this writng with the colour theme of green to make it stand out more so.

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