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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Article Prototype

Passenger, the new and amazing upcoming music act that is winning the loving hearts of the nation. Passenger's music has taken everyones hearts and souls by storm with his new album 'All The Little Lights'. How, you may ask, has this perfect artist gotten by in life without being noticed until now? When did he start writing music? Why? Within this article we ask all these questions and more!

'I started writing music form a young age but started performing within a band at the age of 16. Our band was called Passenger, but after releasing one album we broke up in 2009. Music had always been a strong passion of mine do i didn't want to give it up because of the split of our band - so i carried it on, keeping the name Passenger, then busking for a solo career. Making a music career will always be hard, but luck was on my side and after building a fan base in Australia i managed to release a solo album called 'Wide Eyes Blind Love'.

'After another year, i got together with other independent musicians and recorded a mixed album called 'Flight of the Crow'. These chilled artists included my good friends Lior, Boy & Bear, Josh Pyke and a few others. Creating this album was the most fun i'd ever had, everything was looking up for me. Then when i finally released an album that i could truly call my own i was recognised by millions!'

'I would have to say that my most favourite part of the musical business isn't the performing or the money, even though it isn't the worst part (haha), it would have to be the meeting of people, the fans, the support you are given through out. I like to believe that i haven't changed since i begun my music, but i believe this because i still have my old companions and new industry ones.

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