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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Disecting Other School Magazines

To start working on a front cover for my school magazine, I decided to look at other peoples work for school front covers to pick out the good points for my own to give it a proffesional overall look.

The first magazine I chose has a good look to it. The colour scheme through out is consistent  and eye catching. The font is apealing to students; sans serif has a less formal look to it, so therefore appeals to the younger generation which is overall a good point to have as you want to sell more of this product.

The bold title draws the attention of the buyer/reader to it instantly. This helps the buyer to decide within 10 seconds whether to buy or read the magazine (10 seconds is the average time a buyer takes to buy a magazine).
This magazine, however, is messy with contrasting colours. The font, although is not formal, doesn't appeal to students as it isn't slick and easy to read. This title doesn't draw the buyers eye as the font, although informal, doesn't depict a school magazine.
The student on the front cover doesn't work well as it doesn't look professional. To have made it look more professional they would have needed someone who were wearing the school uniform, then they could have incorporated the school colours with the magazine.

This magazine also works well, it appeals more to secondary students more than the first as more colour is used. A mixture of of informal font has been used to create a professional looking school magazine. The mid-shot is used well as they have a student from their school in school uniform, therefore immediately making it obvious that this is a school magazine.

On the front of the cover they have snippets of articles that inform the reader enough what's written inside the magazine without over crowding the front cover; unlike the first magazine.

Overall, I have learnt that when creating a front cover for a school magazine you have to have a mid-shot with a student in school uniform or looking neat and professional. Also, having colours that don't contrast makes the magazine aesthetically pleasing when looking for a magazine. Lastly, font and text must be informal but easy to read.

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