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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Target Audience for the School Magazine

When creating my school magazine, I need to establish who will be reading it and at what ages. Southfield School for Girls has children aging from about 12 to 18, from Year 7 to 6th Formers, so the magazine has to appeal to all or most of these age groups. Also, I need to find out who would actually read a school magazine if it became available to them. I asked 15 people from each year if they would read a school magazine if it became available.
Survey Results
7 - 12
8 - 13
9 - 7
10 - 5
11 - 3
12 - 1
13 - 1
The results show that I should be creating this magazine more for the younger years within the school than the higher years. This will mean that if I establish these years as my target market within the school then I can sell more copies than if it were aged for the elder years within the school.
Now that I have established who im going to create this magazine for, I can now focus on what to put inside the magazine. A few ideas that have been used in other school magazines are: prizes, competitions, games (e.g. crosswords), revision timetables, student of the month and clubs going on within school. After taking another survey with only the younger half of the school I asked what they would like within the magazine.
Survey Results
Student of the Month - 14
Games - 16
Competitions - 16
Prizes - 15
Revision Timetables - 10
Clubs - 9
Subject pages - 17

The results of student of the month, games, competitions, prizes and subject pages seemed to be the the most popular within the younger parts of the school. I shall use this information to help create content with my school magazine.


After taking the survey and discovered that Student of the Month was popular ammongst students, an idea came to me about having the student of the month on the front of the magazine. This would then make the magazine a monthly magazine allowing the most interesting things every month to be put into this magazine in a way that is interesting for the younger school.

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