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Friday, October 18, 2013


When creating my music magazine I need to first establish a target market or target audience. This will enable me to specify certain aspects that will appeal to my target audience. 

The genre of music I have chosen is Indie/Rock/Folk. Much of this type of music is within the charts at this time, such as Coldplay, Mumford and Sons, The Lumineers and Of Monsters and Men. This chart music is often played on main radio stations such as BBC Radio 1, and the target age group of this audience is 15-29 year olds. Radio also supports new and up coming artists in not just these genres but many others. I shall take the target age of their audience from Radio 1 and use it to help with my target audience, which is now ages 16-30. I moved the barrier of age up one year as 16 year olds show a little more maturity, also many people of this age have tend to establish exactly what music they are into.

The gender of this magazine I believe doesn't matter too much as the divide between which gender listens to this type of music more can be very unreliable and/or inaccurate. I believe that magazines should be for everyone and if a certain gender wants to buy that magazine then thats perfectly fine. Many magazines have been made specifically for one gender, such as women gossip magazines, e.g. Closer. But, secondary audiences do pick up these magazine and are from the other gender. So if I were to create a single gender audience I wouldn't be able to control who read it, so I should just originally appeal to both genders and then produce more sales buy appealing to more people.

The life style of my audience and interests will be in the higher category of ABC1 and will have interests in Folk/Indie/Rock music. The reason why I have chosen this demographic of people is because this section of people have more money to spend on magazines, such as the one I am producing. Also, many of the C2DE listen to the genres of Rap and Rock. The ABC1 category listen to genres in the area of Classical, Chart Music and Indie. The interests of my audience will to do with this genre of music, e.g. people who play an acoustic instrument, enjoy these genres of music.

The reason why I chose these genres in the first place was because I believe there is a gap in the market for something like this, for an magazine that only has these 3 genres with, not just new and upcoming artists, but with older artists too, such as Oasis, The Beatles, The Byrds. Also, by not picking just one genre I am appealing to a mass market in the music magazine industry, meaning more people will want to buy it.

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