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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Contents Page - Draft and Photo Draft

To create a prototype contents page for my school magazine, I first had to sketch out the layout of it. I sketched out where I would put the masthead and where the student front the school would be. I knew I would have to get a different image for the contents page to make the magazine more interesting. I used the 'rule of thirds' to line up the girl on the page, which also benefited me when putting the list of contents on the page. I put as the masthead, not the title of the magazine but the slogan of the magazine and school 'Challenge | Commitment | Choice'. I finally added the logos from the school onto the contents page to keep it linked to the front cover. To improve I could make all the font the same size and add a little bit more of the colour scheme of red onto the page
Only after creating this did I realise that there was a mistake in creating it. One of the sentances for 'page 4' says Cluband when it was suppose to say 'Club and'. This will teach me to look through for mistakes for when I make a real contents page.

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