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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Notes From Looking At Others Blogs

Claudia Carr AS Media Blog

  • Labels different parts of the evaluation in separate blogs
  • A mixture of of different media e.g. video, writing, prezi
  • Try out different front covers (drafts), making them different, then evaluate which works best
  • If making a video with writing, make sure the slides are timed long enough to read
  • Compare and give both images of the prelim task and the drafts of the music magazine before showing the final magazine
  • Insert some images of sections of the magazines that show which parts you believe have progressed the most
  • Time management? How well did I cope?

How did you attract your audience?
  • The Masthead and Tag line - add images
  • The positioning of these
  • Conventional themes?
  • Sell lines and Bursts (there to attract an audience) (promotional offers)
  • Describe your target audience (what you said in previous blog)
  • The main image
  • Double page spread
  • Enigma code (makes the audience question whats going on)
  • Pull quote (maybe add this to the double page spread?)
  • Conclusion

What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing?
  • Macs/laptops (don't just have a picture of a Mac - boring, maybe me working at a Mac?
  • Pixlr/ Adobe Photoshop
  • Talk about things that have gone wrong, how did I solve them?
  • Safari
  • Blogger
  • Prezi (explain why you have never used it before, was it difficult?)
  • My camera  Canon DSLR/school camera
  • Did i enjoy it?

Who would be the audience for my product?
  • Socio-economic group
  • Age (picture of friend?)
  • Gender (NRS website?)
  • Ethnicity
  • Lifestyle (how they socialise)
  • Who isn't? (images?)

How does your media product represent particular social groups?
  • Definition
  • Gender
  • Style model (Q)
  • Colour scheme? Why did you chose that colour?
  • Age - how is it represented? Negative stereo types of young people? Do I go against that?
  • Ethnicity (people more likely to listen to a similar ethnicity as them?)
  • Class (price on the front?) (free tickets to get other classes involved)
  • Lifestyle (model representing the age and lifestyle)

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

  • Who I want to distribute and where do I want it to be sold?

In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms...

  • The front cover style models (Q)
  • Contents page (follows conventions? Colour scheme kept?)
  • Double page spread

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