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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Interview Questions?

For the interview for my music magazine I need a good amount of text to make it look professional. The only ways to get this information is to either ask a lot of questions OR ask questions which doesn't give the artist any choice but to reply to them in a long and in depth answer. Therefore the questions cannot be 'yes or no' questions, they must be questions asking for detail but still relevant to the artist or that musical genre. Having writers block almost all the time, I set out to work on finding the best possible questions for my magazine online through the power of Google. The believe the following questions are suitable and will possibly be used for my interview.

Which famous musicians do you admire and why?

Do you or have you ever gotten nervous before a gig? If so, which ones?

What instruments do you play? Or are you just a singer? (can change this to bassist)

Do you teach yourself to play said instruments?

What are your fondest musical memories?

Have you every been so moved by a song that you've cried? If so which one?

Who would you want to duet with? (Dead or alive)

Best advice every given?

Where would be the best place to perform and why?

What genres of music do you hate and why?

What are your hidden talents? Why haven't we heard of these before?

What do you want from the future?

I believe these questions will give a clear insite to the musicians personality and will therefore connect to the target audience more so than if different questions were used that weren't so personal.

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