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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Questionnaire for my Magazine

The purpose for this questionnaire is to enable me to create the best magazine I can when designing for my target market. To do this I will need to ask a series of questions, analyse these, then use the new given information to create and adapt my music magazine from a prototype to a real one. The following questions are ones I have asked to my target audience about my prototype magazine and what they said in return.

Do you like the mast head font?

Katherine - Yes

Micheala - Yes

Chloe - Yes

Rhiann - Yes

Aneisha - Indeed

George - Yep

Gabrielle - It's a little boring

Kezia - Yes

Sarah - It's simple, but yes

Darren - Yeah

Amy - Yes

What can I change about the main image?

Katherine - Maybe chose an image where he looks slightly happier or more emotional... because he looks like a robot...

Micheala - Make the eyes more noticeable.

Chloe - Airbrush his face and his eyes need to be greener

Rhiann - More expression

Aneisha - Nothing

George - A clearer image

Gabrielle - Some more colour

Kezia - Make his eyes stand out more

Sarah - Add a little more of the theme colour

Darren - Get a better photograph of the artist

Amy - Highlighted more of the colour or more prominant

What do you like most about it?

Katherine - I really like the sticker because it looks realistic and I like the mast head and how you have flipped and connected the K's together. I also like the use of lines to separate the different sell lines which makes it look proffessional.

Micheala - I like how minimalistic it looks but still has a good amount of information on it

Chloe - The originality about it and it isn't cluttered

Rhiann - I like how the eyes are a different colour

Aneisha - The eyes, I like the green

George - The theme colour and how it isn't cluttered

Gabrielle - It isn't busy, so I can read everything without getting confused

Kezia - I like how there is only so much information and it isn't busy. I also like the sticker.

Sarah - It's easy to read in most parts and looks professional

Darren - It isn't cluttered

Amy - (his face) I like the layout and the colour scheme

What needs improving?

Katherine - The sticker can be further away from his face and put his face to one side so you have more room to place the snippets on the side.

Micheala - The overlapping text over the face. Move the text.

Chloe - The overlapping text and move the sticker.

Rhiann - Move the text off of his face and try and get the logo on INDIE ROCK on the bottom.

Aneisha - I think you should move the sticker.

George - Move the sticker down a bit and maybe move the text so it isn't overlapping onto the person on the front.

Gabrielle - The writing over his body needs to be moved

Kezia - Move everything on the side down a bit

Sarah - Make sure all the text can be seen, and watch out for spelling/grammar mistakes

Darren - Some of the writing can't be seen, so change that. Maybe move the circle down a tad and add a little bit more information

Amy - Carry on the logo throughout e.g. make some of the letters backwards

Would you add more information/snippets?

Katherine - Maybe add another sell line but the amount of information you have there is good.

Micheala - No, i think thats enough information.

Chloe - No

Rhiann - No, but could add a competition

Aneisha - No, that is the right amount

George - No, but you could add maybe a prize to the front or something?

Gabrielle - Maybe a few more lines of information, but keep it to on side

Kezia - Not really, but spread them out a little more

Sarah - Add a little more information down the side

Darren - Add a little bit more information

Amy - Err, no

What else can I add?

Katherine - A barcode and a price

Micheala - A barcode and a price.

Chloe - More snippets and a barcode and a price.

Rhiann - Add a competition

Aneisha - I think there should be a price

George - A price

Gabrielle - Barcode and price

Kezia - Barcode

Sarah - A price?

Darren - A price and a barcode

Amy - (topless photo?) I don't think you can really, maybe a barcode on the back of the magazine

Analysing The Audience's Feedback

After receiving these responses from are varied audience of my target market, I now know what I need to do, not only how to improve the look of my magazine, but to make it appeal more to my target audience. 
The first question I asked was to do with the mast head font. I needed to ask this to my audience as it is one of the main things you see when looking at the magazine and when searching for the magazine. I hadn't asked my audience what font they preferred before I made the prototype magazine, which would have helped me more so, but after asking this question now I now know that the majority of my target audience like the font. This will help me with the overall look and sales of the magazine.
The next question I asked was 'What can I change about the main image' because this what sells the magazine. If a rock music magazine put Miley Cyrus on the front, it wouldn't sell, so I needed to know if my target audience found the image suitable. What they replied with will now help me when taking an image of my own when constructing my new music magazine. Some of the improvements that were suggested where: The quality of the image, airbrushing the skin and adding more colour to the eyes. When taking my own photograph and editing it, I can now take this into account and make sure the image is the best it can be.
What I will keep the same however in this magazine is the minimalistic look to it, and the amount of snippets on the front. The majority of people I asked liked the 'un-cluttered' look and said it looked more professional that way. I will also keep with the theme colour as many of the people I asked liked this. They said to improve with the theme colour though, to add more off it. I could do this with certain parts of the text to make them stand out.
Another part to improve is to make sure that none of the writing is crossing over onto the face or body of the artist as it makes it look messy and sometimes makes it harder to read. My audience highly disliked this and also said that to improve I could move the sticker down slightly so it isn't bunched up all in once corner. The audience also advised me to not add any more snippets of information but to add maybe a competition or a prize - this could include free tickets to a gig or a free guitar pick with the magazine.
Lastly, the majority of my audience told me to add a barcode and/or a price. The reason why I haven't put one on the front is because I believe it would ruin the look of the magazine and make it look messy, which doesn't go with the minimalistic look. What I will say with the final piece I produce is that I will put the barcode and price on the back of the magazine so it doesn't detract the look of the front cover.

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