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Friday, October 4, 2013

Media Terms

To be able to make my music magazine look as professional as possible I need to be able to use Media terminology and understand what they mean.

'Print' media terms

  • Serif
  • Sans Serif
  • Sell lines
  • Upper case
  • Lower case
  • Mast head
  • Quantitative
  • Qualitative
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Mid-shot
  • Long- shot
  • Close-up
These terms will help me with the presentation of the magazine, but might not help me with the construction of the magazine. Page bleed in Media terms will help me when printing off pages and the construction of my music magazine.
Bleed printing for pages in magazines is a technique used by professionals to make sure no errors of printing are made at the sides.
1. Trim is where the product will be cut.
2. Bleed is the safe zone outside the trim area
3. Margin is the safe zone inside the trim area

This will help me in Media to be able to give a professional looking magazine, with HD printing.

M.I.R.A is a Media term that will help me build my magazine for my audience or ask questions about other magazines.

M - Media form - movie, mag, TV series
I - Institution - who made it?
R - Representation - who or what does it show?
A - Audience - who is it for?

'Pass audience' is who reads your magazine but without buying the magazine. Magazines could be bought and then left around the house for others to read. This may not be your target market but it adds to the reader numbers of magazines.

When creating a two page spread I will need to remember to use Gutters and Allies. A gutter in a two page spread allows room for bindings in the magazine. It also means that text on that mage wont get lost in the middle. An ally can help space out the writing on a page. Usually on a page in a magazine the text is written in columns, an ally helps separate these columns and makes it easier to read.

A strapline is a 'slogan' used to identify brands. This can help me with my magazine as it will help my magazine be identifiable just by a slogan. The slogan I use will have to be related to music as it is a music magazine. A strapline can also be known as a tagline which is a slogan or dramatic phrase which is used to strengthen the memory of that product or magazine. E.g. Tesco's has 'Every little helps'.

A 'pug' in Media terminology are small snippets of information next to the title which act like 'ears' on the title, hence why it is called a 'pug'. I can use this to add extra information to my magazine cover.

What I could also use for my front cover of my music magazine is a pull quote/call out. These are little pieces of text from an article inside the magazine that will gain interest from the buyer. These snippets of information are usually no more than a few words long and are usually short and snappy.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is really developing Tabitha, well done. Next steps - utilise what you learn from others' blogs to help enhance your own.
